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Coral Murant, et al.

Interactive, online textbook development pilot for HK*2810 and HK*3810

Kerry Ritchie, HHNS
Justine Tishinsky, HHNS
Coral Murrant, HHNS
Claire Coulter, OpenEd
Ali Versluis, Library

Project Summary:

Funding is being requested to support the initial phase of development of an online, open textbook resource to support HK*2810 and HK*3810. eCampus Ontario is launching an open textbook initiative aimed at promoting access to free, accessible learning resources. We propose a “students as partners” model where undergraduate project students, under the supervision of the Project team, develop an e-textbook resource to support future classroom learning in HK*2810/HK*3810, while simultaneously offering a unique experiential learning opportunity for project students.